An ancient sea monster hunted to extinction suddenly reappears on a Russian island

An ancient sea monster hunted to extinction has mysteriously reappeared on a remote Russian island.

The remains of the Steller sea cow were found by nature reserve officials on the remote Commander Islands in the Bering Sea.

""image"" Pictured are the incredible remains of the Steller’s sea cow. Credit: Will Stewart
""image"" The 20-foot-long beast became extinct in the 18th century. Credit: Will Stewart.
""image"" The animal was described by Arctic explorers but became extinct. Credit: Will Stewart

This 20-foot-long beast became extinct in the 18th century because they were steady targets for harpoon hunters and were not afraid of humans.

Ribs of the creature were found protruding from the seashore like a “fence.”

An eight-hour excavation proved this to be a rare find of the existence of a sea cow, which was once endemic to the waters of these islands between Russia and Alaska.

They found 45 vertebrae, 27 ribs, a left scapula and other bones in the headless creature.

The strangest creatures of the depths that will haunt you

""image"" An artist’s drawing of the enormous beast. Credit: Will Stewart
""image"" Archaeologists photographed with the remains of the ancient animal. Credit: Will Stewart
""image"" The skeleton included dozens of perfectly preserved ribs and vertebrae. Credit: Will Stewart
""image"" It was discovered on a remote Russian island. Credit: Will Stewart

Arctic explorers recorded sightings of these sea cows before they became extinct.

The species is named after German explorer Georg Steller, who first documented its existence during a voyage in 1741.

Nature reserve inspector Maria Shitova saw the protruding ribs of the skeleton that will be displayed on the islands.

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