Las Vegas Teen Claims Traumatizing Encounter with Eight-Foot-Tall ‘Demon Creature’ in His Backyard

A Las Vegas teenager who claimed to have witnessed an ‘eight-foot-tall demon creature with big shiny eyes’ in his backyard last year said he was traumatized by the close encounter.

Angel Kenmore, 17, spoke out about the mysterious incident that he says took place on April 30, 2023, offering additional details about the ‘giant creature’ that he believes may have been a ‘demon.’

Kenmore described the experience as ‘traumatizing,’ and he has since been plagued by paranoia, struggling to make sense of what he saw and constantly replaying the eerie encounter in his mind.

‘We were in the backyard, and then, out of nowhere, we just saw a big light fall down,’ he said in an interview with NewsNation.

‘[It] basically crashed in the backyard. And a couple of seconds later, I saw the big giant creature in front of me,’ he added.

Angel Kenmore, 17, who claimed to have witnessed an 'eight-foot-tall demon creature with big shiny eyes' in his backyard last year, said he was traumatized
The frightening encounter with the 'non-human being' prompted Kenmore to call 911. Bodycam footage shows a strange blue ball of light flashing across the sky at about 11:50 pm on April 30

The frightening encounter with the ‘non-human being’ prompted Kenmore to call 911, and officers with the Metro Las Vegas Police Department were dispatched.

Bodycam footage shows a strange blue ball of light flashing across the sky at about 11:50 pm on April 30.

Approximately 39 minutes after the first call, another resident dialed 911, saying that there were two unknown entities in his backyard after he saw an object fall from the sky.

In the latest interview, Kenmore said he remembered the creature was growling in his backyard, ‘like a dog.’

‘It was moving and breathing. It was pissed off, like it wanted to do something looking at me.’ Kenmore said.

At the moment, he felt the supernatural being had control over his body, as he said, ‘I couldn’t move.’

Despite facing numerous threats and questionings, Kenmore and his family have remained steadfast in their account of the experience from last year.

‘They can think whatever they want. If I was doing it for fame, I would be on YouTube, making videos.’

‘I made no money off this. I don’t need money. It was a really bad and traumatizing experience.’

In a YouTube video posted last year, Kenmore presented details about the alleged ‘UFO crash’ and the creatures that he called ‘100 percent not human.’

‘I hear something fall from the sky. I turn around. The only thing I see is a big light falling from the sky, and moments later I feel a big impact and a bang,’ he said.

In his video, Kenmore also revealed new ring camera footage, allegedly from a neighbors security camera, which clearly shows a bright light with the sound of a massive bang.

He claimed to have seen a big light fall from the sky,
At the moment, he felt the supernatural being had control over his body
Officers with the Metro Las Vegas Police Department were dispatched to Kenmore's backyard
In a YouTube video posted last year, Kenmore presented details about the alleged ' UFO crash' and the creatures that he called '100 percent not human'

‘When that happened, the only thing I can see in the backyard is a tall creature. Probably around eight, ten feet tall. Very thin,’ he further added.

‘So, I call my dad. He went to backyard, and he saw the same creature I saw. He told me to go inside the house. At this point, we’re all freaking out me and my family.’

Kenmore described the figure he supposedly saw as a ‘tall, skinny, lengthy creature, and greyish green in color.’

‘When I looked at it in the eyes, my body just froze. like the same experience of having sleep paralysis.’

‘I’m staring at him and I’m looking at his whole body and he has weird looking feet and a big face and eyes and you could see a big mouth,’ he added.

‘I could hear his loud deep breathing and I could see his stomach moving. He would just stare at me, seconds later I could start moving again. That’s when I called 911,’ he said, before playing the previously shared police call.

His video, posted June 8, has already reached nearly a million views and more than 10,000 comments – with many skeptical of his story, while other thanking him for sharing the experience.

The clip, called ‘I had aliens in my backyard part 1’ is the first video on his YouTube account ‘Angle las vegas.’

While he hasn’t yet shared a part two, in a short video posted last month, Kenmore said that he would be revealing more about ‘the crazy experience’ in his backyard.

With two nearby Air Force Bases – Creech and Nellis – there is a theory that a piece of aircraft may be behind the crash.

An 8 News NOW report which originally broke the story, shared the theory but the Air Forces Bases have denied being involved.

The report also mentions a possible equipment malfunction, which the government collects.

Another theory suggests that a meteor may have caused the streak in the night sky, with the American Meteor Society confirming 21 reported sightings of it stretching across California, Nevada, and Utah.

‘We’re certain it was a meteor because of the duration of the event,’ said Robert Lunsford, of the American Meteor Society.

‘Most everybody reported it lasted between two and five seconds, and that’s much too fast to be a reentering satellite or a rocket,’ he added.

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