Mom Panics Over ‘Mystery’ Object on Her Floor: ‘Too Scared to Touch It’

A mum was left scratching her head after finding a very strange ‘slimy’ object on her kitchen floor.

The Queensland woman spotted a black ‘alien’-like item in her kitchen which she initially thought was a piece of string.

However, on closer inspection, she suspected the mystery find could be a worm and appealed for help to identify it.

Many shared their guesses with people suggesting it could be a part of a rubber seal, a piece of liquorice, a shoelace and even a blind snake.

Most thought it was a type of flatworm that had accidentally made its way into her house.

A Queensland mum was startled to fond a mystery object on her kitchen floor that looked like a 'worm' or an 'alien'

‘Anyone have any ideas what in the world this is?? At first, I thought it was string then baby banana string gone black,’ she said to Mums Who Clean.

‘Now I’m worried it’s a worm. Haven’t been game to touch it yet.’

Members were quick to try and help by offering their suggestions for what it could possibly be.


‘Do you have a pet? My cat occasionally brings slugs or worms inside attached to his fur,’ one mum said.

‘If you live in Qld it could be a blind snake, they are harmless but still freak you out,’ another wrote and a third replied: ‘It looks more like a leech to me’.


‘It just looks like a bit of wet string.. it won’t hurt you to poke it or touch it with something,’ someone added.

Other guesses included part of a rubber seal from an appliance, shoelace or a string of liquorice.

However, most said the object was likely a flatworm that had lost its way and assured the mum there was no need for concern.

Thực hư về mẫu vật “người ngoài hành tinh” ở Mexico

‘It’s a garden flatworm. They are super beneficial for your garden and like eating bad guys. Just find some damp leaves to pop it in and it’ll be a good little mate,’ one woman explained.

‘It’s a flatworm you are fine they don’t come inside it’s probably come in on someone’s shoe. They are harmless,’ a second said.

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