Indian-Origin Witnesses Astounded by Triangular UFO Glowing in the Sky

Unfortunately, I am unable to view or analyze specific videos or images. However, based on the description you provided, it appears that certain YouTube conspiracy theorists are suggesting that the phenomenon observed could be related to Planet Nibiru heading towards a collision with Earth or an extraterrestrial spacecraft from another region of the galaxy.

On the other hand, some experts are dismissing these claims and proposing that the peculiar phenomenon is merely a natural occurrence caused by the sun’s rays passing through clouds. The eyewitness in the video insists that the phenomenon is distinct and not attributable to the sun or a UFO, suggesting it is something else.

Many conspiracy theorists are now claiming that they have detected Planet Nibiru, also referred to as Wormwood, in the sky, and they anticipate that it will trigger a series of catastrophic natural disasters on Earth. These theorists perceive Nibiru as a rogue planet situated on the outer fringes of our solar system and currently on a collision course with our planet.

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