Echoes of the Ice Age: Decoding the history of human hunting through mammoth skulls and tusks

In a spectacular discovery, scientists in Mexico have unveiled a mammoth cemetery containing almost 70 fossilized mammoths. The remains were found during excavations for a new airport near the city of Santa Lucía, in the central Mexican state of Estado de México.


The site has provided a wealth of fossils, including skulls and tusks of prehistoric giants, shedding light on interactions between humans and mammoths dating back 15,000 years.


Mammoths, believed to be Colombian mammoths (Mammuthus columbi), are now extinct relatives of modern elephants. The graves, including tusks and skulls, offer a glimpse into the lives of these enormous creatures that roamed the earth more than 12,000 years ago.


Colombian mammoths were enormous, standing up to 15 feet tall, weighing about 22,000 pounds, and boasting tusks that could grow up to 16 feet long.

Anthropologists carrying out ongoing work at the site have uncovered evidence suggesting that Neolithic humans likely attacked mammoths around 15,000 years ago. This aligns with the discovery of human-built moats in the surrounding area, raising the possibility that the traps were used to corral mammoths for capture.


The archaeological site has not only yielded mammoth fossils but also other artifacts, including 15 human skulls believed to come from pre-Hispanic burials.

In addition, various remains such as dogs, receptacles and obsidian have been discovered, which provide a complete view of the Pleistocene fauna and human activities in the region.


Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava, National Coordinator of Anthropology of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), was surprised by the richness of the fauna and the number of mammoth remains greater than expected.


The findings offer valuable information about the prehistoric environment and interactions between humans and mammoths, contributing to our understanding of the Pleistocene epoch.

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