The magnificence of ancient Egyptian civilization is showcased in 11 exquisite pieces of jewelry hailing from ancient Egypt.

The grandeur of the ancient Egyptian civilization is evident in the artifacts and accessories, including jewelry. Egyptians had access to precious metals and gemstones. The discovery of gold, in abundance, in the Nile Delta revolutionized the Egyptian jewelry making.


With their advanced tools, technology, and skilled craftsmanship, they were among the first who established the jewelry-making industry in the ancient world. The precision, details, and designs of their jewelry were a statement of the art, even by today’s standards. Their exquisite designs still inspire jewelers around the world.


Gold collar from the treasure of the royal tombs at Tanis, ca. 1070-712 B.C. – Cairo Museum

In ancient Egypt, women, men, and children, from poor families to royalties, adorned themselves with the beautiful cultural jewelry they could afford. The material from which jewelry was made differed according to their wealth and status. Nevertheless, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, earrings, armlets, rings, and amulets adorned their necks, wrists, ears, fingers, and ankles.

The Ancient Egyptian Pectoral of Princess Khnumet, daughter of Ramesses II, 18th Dynasty, Louvre, France.


Wealthy Egyptians wore lavish jewelry made of gold, semi-precious stones, and colored glass, which was rare when first discovered and very expensive. They loved pieces designed with scrolls, tigers, scarab beetles, winged birds, jackals, antelopes, and snakes. The masses wore jewelry made of copper and colored beads, made of paper clay, stones, animal teeth, and bones. Silver was a rarity in Egypt and hardly used.

Necklace with falcon pendant, Ancient Egypt, Located in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt.


Egyptians wore jewelry not just for adornment, but also believed in its magical powers. Jewelry brought them good fortune, protected them from diseases and evil eyes, and warded off malevolent spirits, both during their lifetime and in the afterlife, as they also wore their jewelry after death. Royals and nobles were buried with their jewelry, allowing archaeological excavations to discover these treasures exhibited in museums in Egypt and around the world.

Pin, Horus Falcon from the Tomb of Tutankhamun.


Gold Necklace of King Psusennes I, from his tomb in Tanis, Nile Delta, Northern Egypt.


Earrings, from the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings.


Necklace with Lunar Pectoral – from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun.



Bracelet with Image of Goddess Hathor – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Bracelet from the tomb of Queen Amānishākhētō in Nubia – Egyptian Museum Berlin.

Pectoral and Necklace of Princess Sit-Hathor-yunet 1887–1878 B.C. – The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Ring with Ducks. Reign of Ramesses IV, 1153-1147 BC, Dynasty 20. Louvre, Paris.




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