ISS Captures Colossal 3000-Mile-Wide UFO—World Stunned by What Happens Next!

“Surprised By The Huge 3,000-Mile-Wide UFO That Flew Past The Earth Recorded By The International Space Station

They’ve first brought it up at the Brasilia Planetarium Presentation back in 2013, but ever since they’ve made this discovery public people have been theorizing about it.

Nobody knows for sure what they want or why they were gliding over Earth, but what we do know is that they’re definitely not a race of creatures that we can mess with.

Since it was flying over us in secret it shouldn’t come off as a surprise that it is most likely an enemy of some sort, trying to spy on us to see if we’re a worthwhile opponent or not”

NASA’s new chief isn’t satisfied with the Pentagon’s inconclusive UFO report.

Newly installed NASA administrator Bill Nelson has said their probe into unidentified aerial phenomena is just beginning: His team intends to set up their own research effort into footage of high-speed flying objects spotted by Navy aviators over the years, he told CNN Business.

Nelson added that he does not think there’s evidence to assume that extraterrestrials are involved, saying, “I think I would know” — but conceded it’s too early into their study to rule out the possibility.

“We don’t know if it’s extraterrestrial. We don’t know if it’s an enemy. We don’t know if it’s an optical phenomenon,” Nelson told CNN Business. “We don’t think [it’s an optical illusion] because of the characteristics that those Navy jet pilots described … So the bottom line is, we want to know.”

Mega UFO’ Seen From International Space Station Before NASA Cuts Off Live Feed?

Nelson’s statement comes as insiders close to the Pentagon’s much-anticipated UFO report inform the public that US intelligence has found no credible evidence that extraterrestrials were behind any of the sightings. The former Florida senator and spaceflight veteran also said NASA would plan to share any new information not seen by national security officials.


NASA Administrator and former Florida representative Bill Nelson

Mega UFO’ Seen From International Space Station Before NASA Cuts Off Live Feed? – YouTube

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