Shocking Images: ’10ft Alien’ Captured by Climbers on Brazilian Hill Top

Hikers enjoying a family day in Brazil managed to get a video of two creatures they claimed are aliens.

'10ft tall aliens' spotted on a hilltop in Brazil

Eyewitness Sara Dalete of Brasília spotted the bizarre figures while she was with her family in Ilha do Mel.

Footage of the elongated 10-foot-tall figures has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.

The mysterious figures stood on a hilltop that Dalete said ‘wasn’t possible to reach the top.’

Both of them were moving their arms quickly but remained standing on the hilltop during the entire video.

Eyewitness Sara Dalete of Brasília spotted the bizarre figures while she was with her family in Ilha do Mel

Brazil has a history of possible alien sightings, a significant one being the Varginha UFO incident in 1996.

However, this is the first suspected sighting of aliens in Ilha do Mel in Brazil history.

Dalete, who seems sure she spotted aliens, has not convinced UFO expert Nick Pope of that.

‘This story – and the reaction to it – is truly bizarre,’ he told Metro on January 9.

Seemingly Tall Alien-Like Creatures Filmed Roaming on Brazilian Hill

‘There’s no credible evidence that anything UFO or alien-related happened, or that this was anything other than the police responding to reports of youths fighting.’

Social media is also not convinced the figures in the video are aliens, and X users think they are something else.

Hikers capture bizarre footage of '10ft tall aliens' watching over hilltop

X users think the creatures are actually ‘inflatable things’ from car washes or ‘hikers with walking poles.’

‘When will anyone get close up, high def footage of aliens?? Probably a scarecrow,’ wrote Cameron Poole.

Others complained about the ‘blurry’ footage when watching videos of a possible alien sighting.

‘Why whenever these videos get put out they look like they were filmed on a blackberry,’ wrote another X user.

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