From Ancient Egypt to Uzbekistan: Decoding the mystery of historical flying objects. Delve into the compelling evidence of extraterrestrial presence.

¿Detección de ovnis aparecidos en las paredes desde la antigüedad?

UFO Sightings Depicted on Walls Since Ancient Times?


Recently, archaeologists have uncovered depictions of UFOs painted on walls dating back to ancient times.

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) began to receive special attention in the 1940s. However, archaeologists have found numerous images that could be depictions of ancient UFOs, spanning from the dawn of human history to the medieval period.


The shape of mobile objects appearing in ancient Egypt and Uzbekistan resembles UFOs from the American science fiction film, The Extra Terrestrial.

Based on many collected pieces of evidence, the archaeological team believes that people since the Middle Ages were aware of the existence of extraterrestrials and regarded them as gods with supreme power.

This belief was further propagated when Swiss author Erich von Daniken published the book ‘Chariots of the Gods?’ In it, he wrote that alien creatures had constructed many ancient grand structures, including the Nazca drawings. Additionally, Daniken describes these creatures as human-like but with yellow skin and bright light.

Daniken’s theory suggests that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting the wild lands of southern Peru since ancient times.

Traces of similar objects had previously been observed in Turkey and China as well.


More recently, Russian archaeologists continue to gather additional evidence confirming this suspicion. In their report, the research team stated that they have uncovered mysterious burials containing numerous corpses, likely those of extraterrestrials buried at least 500 years ago.

These ‘creatures’ measure 2 meters in height and possess a peculiar body structure with a large oval head.

However, researchers have neither found nor discovered any traces indicating remnants of spacecraft, and therefore, the stories about UFOs remain mysterious and challenge the truth of human discovery.

Alrededor del año 4000 a. C., una joven de Vedbaek, Dinamarca, fue enterrada con su hijo pequeño acostado en el ala de un cisne.


Around 4000 B.C., a young woman from Vedbaek, Denmark, was buried with her small child lying on the wing of a swan.


In the ancient cemetery of Vedbaek, Denmark, an extraordinary discovery from around 4000 B.C. has captured the attention of both archaeologists and historians. Known as the ‘Swan Wing Burial,’ Tomb 8 contains the remains of a young woman and her child, arranged in a captivating and enigmatic manner.

Esqueletos alienígenas examinando la esquiva evidencia


Alien Skeletons Examining the Elusive Evidence


The quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe often leads us to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Over the years, there have been claims of discovering extraterrestrial remains, often in the form of skeletons.

¿Es evidencia de antiguos extraterrestres? Tallado en roca de 2000 años de antigüedad en México representa ovnis y figuras humanoides


Evidence of Ancient Extraterrestrials? 2000-Year-Old Rock Carving in Mexico Depicts UFOs and Humanoid Figures


In 2017, archaeologists uncovered a 2,000-year-old rock engraving in Mexico depicting what appears to be a humanoid figure and a UFO. The discovery has ignited the imagination of both UFO enthusiasts and skeptics, who are fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the idea that aliens may have visited Earth in a distant past.

The Ife Heads: redefiniendo el arte y el patrimonio africanos


The Ife Heads: Redefining African Art and Heritage


In 1938, a serendipitous discovery amidst the construction hustle in Ife, Nigeria, challenged the Western perspective of African art and heritage. During routine housing construction activities, workers stumbled upon an extraordinary cache of artifacts that would rewrite history.

Vidrio romano encontrado en un naufragio


Roman Glass Found in a Shipwreck


A Roman shipwreck between the French island of Corsica and the Italian island of Capraia yielded a variety of glassware and raw glass blocks, discovered by a team of underwater archaeologists from France and Italy.

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